Here at County Line we believe in the importance of fasting. That is why on the first Monday of every month we Fast and Pray over selected topics.
God wants us to learn dependence upon Him. He has also chosen to act through the prayers of His people. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that heightens our feeling of dependence upon God. When we feel the temptation to indulge from whatever it is we are fasting from, it reminds us to go to prayer rather than satisfying our own desires. Fasting is a wonderful way to experience true dependence upon God and His wisdom and strength.
Here at County Line we believe in the importance of fasting. That is why on the first Monday of every month we Fast and Pray over selected topics. God has done some amazing things through Fast & Pray Monday and He continues to teach us the importance of fasting.
- Pray God uses our February series to inspire people to prioritize and cherish the Church in their lives while the culture continues to minimize its importance.
- Pray that final details and registrations will come together for Night to Shine. That those who attend will feel the love and joy of Jesus.
- Pray County Liners would continue to invite their unchurched friends and family to our Souper Bowl services. Also, pray all the details come together and the service will impact lives for Christ.
- Pray God would keep the County Line Food Pantry supplied through the generous donations of County Liners and that those coming to receive food would be blessed through Christ.
- Pray God would powerfully speak through International Justice Mission (IJM) CEO, Gary Haugen as he shares about the fight against human trafficking. And that County Liners would be inspired and motivated to join the fight.