At County Line, we look to six themes found throughout Scripture to guide our global outreach ministry. As we partner with new and existing ministries and organizations, we ensure that they are passionate about these biblical themes.

  • Priority on the Local Church - For us as County Line, we need to help those who are sent do their work through the local church on the ground.  For the missionaries, it is vital for them to see that their work cannot be done in a healthy manner without the support of the local church.
  • Freedom for the Oppressed - We will do everything in our power to fight for the oppressed and vulnerable around the world.  
  • Church Planting - We want to be involved in planting churches and helping others plant churches, not only locally, but globally as well.
  • Evangelism - In order to grow the Church, evangelism is vital.  This may look different based on the region, culture, or context but it should be done regardless.
  • Training, Equipping and Sending - At County Line, we will offer opportunities for congregation members to be trained in missions through classes, groups, and missionary visits.  We will equip through workshops and impact trips.  Lastly, when possible we will send those who feel called.
  • Prayer - Without prayer none of this is possible.  We commit to being a prayer focused congregation.  We will pray for people all over the globe.


Nate & Stacy Tatman

Nate Tatman was a Pastor at County Line for over 10 years but God called his family to Madrid, Spain and they moved in 2021.  As regional coordinators for Europe and the Middle East, the Tatmans travel extensively throughout the region, working in collaboration with national leaders to develop regional ministry strategies and country-specific strategies, cultivating relationships within the Church of God across Europe and the Middle East, connecting the church across the region. Nate and Stacy have a particular passion for church planting and church health. They also oversee projects and missionaries in the region, providing pastoral care and supervision.

Al, Global Disciples

Al is a County Liner who works as a missionary with Global Disciples. Global Disciples serves to equip, connect and facilitate cooperation in the global Body of Christ among clusters of churches focused on reaching those least-reached with the Gospel. They help develop locally-sustainable discipleship-mission, small business and leadership training, rooted in commonly held commitments.  At County Line, we have been supporting Al since 1989.  He has been a part of 2 different organizations during that time.  With our partnership we have sent people to help with on the ground training, sent Joy to the World offering to Global Disciples, and include them in our monthly ministry highlight.

Alejandro & Carmen DeFrancisco

Alejandro and Carmen are passionate about planting churches and building the kingdom of God. They will be leading the Church of God back into Spain. Together with the Three Worlds team, they have a vision to plant a network of healthy, self-sustaining, self-replicating congregations across Spain, beginning with the launch of a church plant on the south side of Madrid. This network of churches will be fully integrated into the fellowship of the Church of God across the region. De Franciscos will also serve in the Europe and Middle East region as the Three Worlds team’s consultants for healthy church plants.  County line sent part of our year end Joy to the World offering to the DeFrancisco’s in 2018 and we began supporting them in 2019.

Zach & Audrey Langford

Zach and Audrey Langford provide pastoral leadership to the Birkenhead Church of God, serving as a bridge as the church transitions a generational gap. Because of the post-Christian culture in Europe, they have a large focus on relational ministry and community events to reach people.  To get an idea of this, here is an excerpt from one of their newsletters in 2024:

After much prayer, God began to strengthen my call and reveal that the priority is notsimply growth in numbers; it is relationship. Audrey and I have found the most meaningful relationship-building and spiritual conversations come when we are cooking food and eating with people in our home. A couple of years ago, the church launched Community Dinners, where anyone and everyone was invited to eat together...During my doubts, God began to simply say, again, “just eat together.”


@Home (France)

The @home project is the birthing of a church on the ground to reach this population. It bridges Arabic-speaking Christians and churches through teaching French, sharing the Gospel, and making disciples.  At County Line, we sent an impact trip to this ministry in 2018 and began a partnership in 2019.

Village of Hope (Guatemala)

 The mission at Village of Hope is to nurture souls to health by providing a tangible experience of God’s love, settling them into an attentive and welcoming home, and preparing them to become thriving and loving adults. At County Line, we have supported Village of Hope since 2011.

Three Worlds

Three Worlds is a team of committed Christians experienced in cross-cultural ministry. They serve as teachers, mentors, consultants, and strategists for Churches in 16 countries in Europe and the Middle East.  At County Line, we have supported Three Worlds since 2015. We do this by sending Impact Trips to this region, staying in contact with local leaders and missionaries, and sending funds for various regional projects.

International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission (IJM) is an international organization that fights against human trafficking and slavery. We support IJM's efforts in the Philippines, where together with local authorities, IJM Philippines works to hold criminals accountable for exploiting children and deter other traffickers from abusing children in the first place.  IJM Philippines works with OSEC (Online Sexual Exploitation of Children) to track down the abusers and rescue children. County Line began this partnership in 2021. 

Children of Promise

Children of Promise is a ministry of the Church of God (Anderson, IN). They were birthed in 1992 out of a vision to begin a sponsorship program "to provide financial aid children of poverty in ministries operated by the Church of God outside the United States." Since then, the program has grown and developed into 36 programs across 33 countries, providing assistance to over 4,500 children. Children of Promise's local leaders around the world identify children in their communities who would benefit from child sponsorship. This ensures the support provided makes the biggest impact in their lives. They identify four pillars of wholeness: nutrition, education, healthcare and discipleship.

Agape Student & Refugee Ministries

Agape Student & Refugee Ministries Project walks alongside the local church in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, as they step into two unique ministry opportunities amongst English-speaking students and Ukrainian refugees. They serve as the only campus ministry to the approximately 3,000 English-speaking students in Plovdiv. Additionally, Agape refugee ministries meet the critical physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of some of the nearly 5,000 Ukrainian refugees entering their community.

Explore More About Outreach at County Line